Trading Technologies International Inc., v. CQG, Inc., Federal Circuit 2017 (non-precedential) (software patents)
This decision should be very interesting to software developers who want software patents on unique graphical user interfaces. The decision is non-precedential, but can be cited to the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office when the facts in a patent application uniquely match those in this case. Up until this case, and after Alice, the Federal Circuit had consistently found the claims to user interfaces patent-ineligible, reasoning that generically claimed user interfaces that merely present information that had been collected and analyzed are ineligible.
Trading Technologies International, Inc. charged CQG with infringement of U.S. Patent Nos. 6,772,132 and 6,766,304. CQG appealed the decision of the district court that the patents recite patent-eligible subject matter.
The software patents describe and claim a method and…